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Links for affiliate pages are listed below. You just need to insert your unique affiliate code into the URL so that everyone, who opens the promo page and registers a live account with the company becomes your referred client

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IFXBIT 0 spread

We always keep up with the times, providing our customers and partners with access to the latest innovative services.

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Buy stocks with cryptocurrencies

Diversify your portfolio on IFXBIT! This is the only crypto exchange that provides access to all markets, including stocks of leading companies (NVDA, TSLA, META, OpenAI), oil, gas, cocoa, and gold.

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Buy commodity futures with cryptocurrency!

On our platform, you can easily and quickly buy futures on oil, gas, cocoa, and other commodities with cryptocurrency, which are showing impressive growth

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Trade Gold with Cryptocurrency!

Create a well-balanced investment portfolio with IFXBIT. Open a trading account and easily buy gold with cryptocurrency to diversify your investments and reduce risks.

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Amount - 16

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File type - html/gif

Amount - 10

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